

About us

Guanqun Li M.D., Ph.D.

Deputy general manager, Biology

Dr Li completed his undergraduate to Ph.D. studies at Beijing Medical University (now Peking University School of Medicine). He served as an attending physician and lecturer in the Department of Dermatology at the First Hospital of Beijing Medical University, and then conducted postdoctoral research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Skin Biology Labi and Baylor College of Medicine Dermatology Department. Before entering the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Li was an assistant professor Oregon Health & Science University Dermatology Department in the United States. Afterwards, Dr. Li worked in Pfizer's Dermatology R&D Center, the Novartis Genomic Research Institute, and PhaseRx Biotechnology Co., on key positions. He has published dozens of research articles in international scientific journals. He also received American Dermatology Foundation Career Development Award. Dr. Li has nearly 30 years of R&D experience in dermatology related fields.

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