

About us

Zengquan Wang Ph.D.

Founder, Chairman and General Manager

Dr. Wang is an internationally renowned scientist in both the skin biology field and dermatology drug R&D field. He received his Ph.D. degree from Washington State University, and performed post-doctoral research work in the Department of Dermatology at the University of Michigan School of Medicine. Dr Wang later became a faculty member at the Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan School of Medicine. Dr. Wang’s research spans various basic and applied scientific areas, including reproductive biology, retinoids and skin aging, pathogenesis of photoaging, and psoriasis, etc. After concluding his academic stage, Dr. Wang has worked on key positions in well-established pharmaceutical companies including OSI Pharmaceuticals Company, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Viva Biotech. Dr. Wang has been engaged in drug research and development in the field of skin diseases for more than 20 years. His has published over 20 research articles on Nature, Nature Medicien, The New England Journal of Medicine as well as other top international scientific  journals, and also holds  a number of small molecule drug patents.

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