

About us

Wenkui Ken Fang Ph.D.

Deputy general manager, Medicinal Chemistry

Dr. Fang received his bachelor and master degrees from Nankai University, and Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan Department of Organic Chemistry. After a short period of time of post-doctoral research training at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Fang became a medicinal chemistry scientist at the internationally renowned dermatology and neurology  drug R7D company Allergan and had worked there for more than 15 years. His pharmaceutical experience encompasses skin and immune diseases, CNS diseases and other indications. Dr. Fang has developed deep knowledge and strong expertise in drug design of topical drugs, to a height that very few could reach. After leaving Allergan, Dr. Fang served as vice president in several pharmaceutical companies such as Bioduro, Xuanzhu Biopharm, Nivien, taking full charge of their innovative drug R&D pipelines. Dr. Fang has published dozens of research articles on international scientific journals. He authored in more than 70 small molecule drug patents through working across various companies.

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