

About us

Arthur P. Bertolino MD, PhD, MBA

Internationally renowned dermatological drug research and development expert

Dr. Bertolino has over 30 years of domestic and global drug development and management experience.

Dr. Bertolino held several key positions at Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research (“NIBR”), including Vice President of Dermatology and Vice President & Global Head of Translational Medicine for Dermatology.

Dr. Bertolino held positions as Senior Medical Director and Senior Director of Dermatology at Pfizer. Dr. Bertolino led FDA clinical interactions at entitlement meetings for Pfizer’s dermatology products and served as Pfizer’s dermatology spokesperson.

Dr. Bertolino served as Chief Medical Officer and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Peplin, Inc., where he led Phase 2 programs and designed and drove initial Phase 3 programs that contributed to FDA approval of Picato? (ingenol mebutate).

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