

About us

Mao Jun Ph.D.

the founder of VVBFunds

currently serves as the founder of Viva Ventures Biotech Funds. With a focus on investment in CRO research and development services and fund capital from scratch, he is dedicated to creating and incubating world-class pharmaceutical companies.

浦县| 宁国市| 孝感市| 汾西县| 元谋县| 青岛市| 普格县| 德昌县| 聊城市| 公安县| 白山市| 兴城市| 大荔县| 松阳县| 怀柔区| 陆河县| 凯里市| 中卫市| 大洼县| 镇平县| 嘉鱼县| 叙永县| 衡水市| 方城县| 杭州市| 长泰县| 曲松县| 天镇县| 渝北区| 东台市| 杭锦旗| 商丘市| 乐都县| 三江| 团风县| 东莞市| 佛山市| 山阴县| 安丘市| 隆昌县| 普洱|