


TechnoDerma announced the completion of Pre-A financing

Release time: 2018-12-24 Article source: TechnoDerma

TechnoDerma has built a number of dermatological disease pipelines through independent R&D and license-in. The company is gradually growing into a globally-positioned innovative drug research and development company specialized in dermatology. TechnoDerma aims at providing safe and effective topical drugs for patients in need worldwide.

丰原市| 台湾省| 屏东市| 外汇| 青铜峡市| 梁山县| 文登市| 神池县| 富裕县| 富源县| 吕梁市| 育儿| 建阳市| 秦皇岛市| 红原县| 永春县| 巫山县| 西吉县| 塘沽区| 乌鲁木齐市| 寻甸| 阿图什市| 抚远县| 新密市| 竹山县| 西华县| 页游| 旺苍县| 津南区| 区。| 海兴县| 曲周县| 镇平县| 无为县| 会泽县| 东源县| 象山县| 仙居县| 拉萨市| 郸城县| 阿克苏市|